
It defines variables constructors and methods the second

Programming in Java

Java and OOPs

Classes are the building blocks of object-oriented programming. Understanding the parts of a class is critical to coding in Java. Classes utilize data passed to it. In this lesson, two classes are created. One class calls the other and uses its methods to process the data.


To use a class, call the constructor. Below are two Java classes. The name of the first is FirstClassOOPS. It defines variables, constructors, and methods. The second class is ClassClient. In ClassClient, the constructor for FirstClassOOPS is called. The constructor initializes the variable name to "John Smith" and age to 62. Then a method in FirstClassOOPS is used to print out the results below.

My name is John Smith.
My age is 62.

Part I:

Modify the code to make sure the print out is as follows.

My name is John Smith.
My age is 62.

Make a screenshot of the output and include it as an attachment to the Assignment. Also, include the program code in a text file to be evaluated. Make sure you code is commented to receive full credit.

Part II:

Identify the following in the FirstClassOOPS class.

• Constructor(s)
• Mutator Methods (Set methods)
• Acessor Methods (Get methods)
• Name of methods that returns values
• Name the methods that do not return any values
• List the methods that have parameters.


public class FirstClassOOPS {

// Declare Variables

private String sName;

privateint sage;

//Create default constructor




sage = 18;


//Create a constructor

publicFirstClassOOPS(String name, int age)


//initialize variables

sName = name;

sage = age;


//Mutator Method = Method that changes the name

public void setName(String name)


sName = name;


// Mutator Method = Method that changes the age

public void setAge(int age)


sage = age;


//Getter Method = Method that returns the value of Name

public String getName()




//Getter Method = Method that returns the value of age



return sage;


//To String Method = returns the name and age

public String toString()


String message = "My name is "+sName+".\nMy age is "+sage+".";

return message;



ClassClient below.

public class ClassClient {

public static void main(String[] args)


//Create a FirstClassOOPS variable with name = John Smith and age = 62

FirstClassOOPS g = new FirstClassOOPS();

String outPutString = g.toString();


// The output should be

// My name is John Smith.

// My age is 62.




Submit your screenshots, answers and code in a file with your GID number.

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JAVA Programming: It defines variables constructors and methods the second
Reference No:- TGS01459961

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