
It da 1001 - create a table with foreign key and what is


Q1. What is Tables?

Q2. What is Primary Key?

Q3. What is Foreign Key?

Q4. Create a Table with foreign key
Table Artist
The Artist have fields has ArtistID and ArtistName. Here the ArtistID is the Primary Key.
Table Tracks
The Track have attribute as TrackID, Title, ArtistID. Here, TrackID is the Primary Key and we are taking ArtistID as a Foreign key from the Artist Table.

Q5. Insert the data into the tables Artists and Tracks.

Tutorial Question

Create a Database called UNIVERSITY. Inside that make a Table called Student and Course
1. Create a Table STUDENT with fields StudentID, Name, Address, Birthdate, Phone Number.
2. Create a Table COURSE with fields CourseNo, CourseName, CourseLevel.

Add an appropriate Primary Key and Foreign Key.
After you have created both the table insert 5 values in each of the table.

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Database Management System: It da 1001 - create a table with foreign key and what is
Reference No:- TGS02454404

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