IT Assignment- Integrated Enterprise Systems
To assess your ability to:
• Propose a concise, precise and, almost, thorough introduction to a key tool of the SAP software "the SAP FI".
N.B. the introduction is theoretical; practical aspect is out of scope for this discussion.
Action Items
• Read, at least, two contributions of your colleagues and give them usefulfeedbacks.
• Propose a concise, precise and, almost, thorough introduction to a key tool of the SAP software "the SAP FI". N.B. the introduction is theoretical; practical aspect is out of scope for this discussion.
o USE YOUR OWN WORDS in answering from these resources: textbook, internet
Submission Instructions
Complete and submit this assignment per your professor's instructions.
• A typical answer has to include the following :
o Useful interaction with two colleagues
o Brief introduction to the SAP-software as a whole
o What is SAP-FI ?
o Features of SAP-FI ?
o Functionalities achieved by this software module.