
Issues of anthropogenic role in global warming


In this activity you will be honing your scientific argument skills to a razors edge. For this assignment you will make short but irrefutable arguments for either side of each of the 3 following issues. Each of the arguments should be no more than 1 page long and have proper citations for evidence from peer reviewed journals.

Short, meaning you have chosen the 3 lines of evidence or examples that completely prove your argument sound and valid. In addition to your 3 lines of evidence to support your side of the debate, you may provide 1 example or line of evidence that completely falsifies the other side of the debate (thank you Karl Popper). You should cite peer-reviewed sources for all your evidence.

Irrefutable means the argument cannot be proven wrong or argued against, slam-dunk, you win. This is far more challenging than it may appear and really demonstrates your ability consider both sides of an issue before making a stand. You should ask yourself which side of this issue has the better argument before you take a side.

The issues:

1) The anthropogenic role in Global Warming

2) The health risks of vaccination

3) The ethical, environmental or health risks of using genetically modified organisms

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Science: Issues of anthropogenic role in global warming
Reference No:- TGS03186270

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