
Issues arising from risk assessment

3000-word report that addresses the following issues arising from risk assessment (Please see paper requirements)

As the Site Health and Safety Manager you have recently carried out a number of risk assessments which have indicated that many processes require Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) to control emissions. The specific hazardous substances are solvent vapour from either hand or spray painting, dust from grit blasting and rubber fume from milling and moulding operations.

You are required to write a 3000-word report that addresses the following issues arising from the risk assessment:

• How will you ensure that the LEV systems for these processes are correctly designed, installed and commissioned?

• Who will carry out such work and how will you be able to conclude that the systems are working effectively?

• What ongoing requirements do such systems have?

• How should you make sure that the systems are used correctly by workers?

This work is to be presented as a practical report of no more than 3000 words excluding reference lists, tables and appendices.

Reference to appropriate research, guidance, legislation and standards is required where available. Legislation and standards can relate to you own country or a country of your choice.

General Instruction

The work is to be word-processed, double or 1.5 line spacing and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. Submissions should be a maximum of 3000 words (+/- 10%) and a word count must be included.

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Other Subject: Issues arising from risk assessment
Reference No:- TGS01430280

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