1. 21st Century Health Policy and Assessing Quality in Health Care" Please respond to the following: Prioritize the main steps that the U.S. needs to take in order to develop a prudent health policy plan for the growing number of underprivileged citizens, given the growing diverse demographics in the U.S. Interpret the primary manner in which accrediting entities or payors such as Medicare / Medicaid address and / or mandate health care quality.
2. The Ethics and Future of Health Care in the U.S." Please respond to the following: Justify a hospital's adoption of ethical protocols which cater to both affluent and indigent populations. From a moral standpoint, compare the primary services that the hospital may give to both. As a health administrator, predict the major hurdles of any major hospital facing government cutbacks. Outline a small contingency plan for minimizing excess spending.
3."Issues and Solutions / Reflections and Viewpoints to Solving Health Care Problems" Please respond to the following: Evaluate the availability of health services programs and tools to improve the quality of services as related to the ACA