
Issues and evidence presented by stakeholders in their

Sustainable Energy

Individual Report assignment briefing

The report will use evidence from a case study of proposed development for 100 homes on ORE land surplus to operational requirements (details are below).


Prepare an individual report (3.000 words) critically analysing the implementation of planning policy (Local Plan. and in the National Planning Policy uramework) in relation to mitigation and adaptation of climate change. and conserving and managing natural resources through energy efficiency and renewable energy generation measures in new development.

In your report you should include:

Evidence drawn from the planning application decision documents and planning policy texts (Local Plan and NPPu) used in the case study.

Issues and evidence presented by stakeholders in their letters of objection and/or support. and in the applicant's planning application documents for the case study (these are all available on the Council's website. as above).

Use of academic literature and planning practice sources as an introduction to the main issues and topics for debate. and as a lens for your critical analysis of the case study evidence.

Conclusions regarding the balance of consideration given in planning decisions to mitigation and adaptation of climate change. and conserving and managing natural resources through energy efficiency and renewable energy generation measures in new development. and recommendations for planning practice.

Learning Outcomes

Have an in depth understanding and knowledge of sustainable planning in relation to energy at a range of spatial scales and the positive role that planning can play in adaptation and mitigation for climate change and conserving and managing natural resources

Have an in depth understanding and knowledge of the relationship between planning and energy use. conservation and generation across a range of spatial scales and the environmental impacts associated with energy generation and consumption.

Have an in depth understanding and knowledge of the key theoretical and applied approaches that underpin planning research and practice in sustainable energy and the scope for and limitations of new technology in addressing energy and climate change issues.

Develop a critical understanding of the role that improved information can make in conserving energy

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Dissertation: Issues and evidence presented by stakeholders in their
Reference No:- TGS02564343

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