
Issue state what the issue is ex was there a contract

Structure your response as follows. Label each part of your response please.

1. Conclusion: State your conclusion first (your group’s answer to the question).

2. Issue: State what the issue is (Ex: Was there a contract between Tarkin and Krennec?)

3. Rule: Clearly state the legal principle or rule you used to form your response (Ex: An offer is a promise in exchange for performance by another party and can be revoked at any time prior to acceptance).

4. Analysis: Apply the legal principle or rule to the facts given in problem. Be sure to be as complete as you can be in your analysis (Example: If your question is to determine if there was a contract, include all the steps to determine if there was a contract.)

5. Conclusion: Restate your conclusion once more.

BUS 215

Contracts Problem Set #5

Directions: Please read the following hypotheticals and respond as directed. Be sure to clearly state the legal principles you would use to form your response.

A. Hank (a man) is playing in a golf tournament where the sponsors for the tournament placed the following sign:

Hit a Hole-In-One

Win A 2018 Lexus

On the fourth hole, Hank hit a ball from the women’s tee and scored a hole-in-one. At the conclusion of the tournament, Hank approached the sponsors and asked for the keys and title to the 2018 Lexus. The sponsor refused on the grounds that Hank violated the tournament rules by hitting from the wrong tee. Hank sued the sponsors for breach of contract. Was there a contract? What kind of contract was it (if there was one)? If there was a contract, what are the sponsors obligated to do?

B. Art owned a building that had been vandalized with graffiti several times this past week. Frustrated with the police’s inability to capture and stop the vandals, Art put the following post on his Facebook page:

Tired of vandals wrecking my property. I offer $5000 to anyone giving information leading to the arrest and conviction of these criminals.

The police caught “Fresco the Guerilla Artist” the next day on live television. As Fresco was being taken away, he confessed on live television, “I did it and I’m proud to claim this art as mine!” Because of his confession, Fresco was tried and convicted of vandalism and fined $25. Art is angry at the light punishment. Later that month, Fresco read Art’s Facebook page and saw the offer. He went to Art to claim the reward. Art is beyond angry, and said “I never intended to pay the culprit, you scumbag!” and refused to pay Fresco the reward. Is Fresco entitled to the reward? Why or why not?

C. Bruce wanted to have his parents murdered. Selina was a professional assassin, and met with Bruce to discuss the job. Bruce and Selina agreed to a price and other terms for the job. Selina took the fee, and she failed to perform on the contract as agreed. Bruce found her and sued her for breach of contract. Selina said, “Good luck Bruce; I’ll see you in court!” You are the judge and you hear all the evidence in the case.

How would you rule, for Bruce or Selina? Why?

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Operation Management: Issue state what the issue is ex was there a contract
Reference No:- TGS02907488

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