
issue in sub-transmission and distribution

Issue In Sub-Transmission and Distribution Systems

The major issue in Sub-transmission and Distribution systems or rather the issue confronting the power sector as an overall, is the reduction of Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses to acceptable minimum levels. Upgrading the sub-transmission and distribution system and technical improvements will decrease technical losses. Proper and adequate metering will decrease metering losses described in this section. Therefore, the large amount of commercial losses cannot be reduced through upgrading the network.

An urgent and separate programmer of action comprising legislative changes, enforcement of punitive measures, strict vigilance, enhanced accountability at the field level of utility, etc. is necessary to be implemented to decrease commercial losses. The major source of revenue of utilities is from sale of energy to consumers that need prompt and correct billing and realization. This is particularly significant since, in the power sector, consumers pay after availing the service. Except from energy losses, deficiencies in proper billing and revenue collection for the energy used seriously affect the financial health of utilities. It is all along recognized in which the performance in this segment is much below the desired level and the situation is frequent aggravated through political interference.

From the discussion so far, we might conclude in which the revenue raising segment of the utilities suffers from primary deficiencies in terms of high energy losses and poor billing, revenue collection and financial management. From the consumer's perspective, power supply is characterized through poor voltage and frequent interruptions in supply. The Distribution Loss Reduction and Efficiency Improvement strategy for improvement should, therefore, be aimed at rectifying these deficiencies to ensure in which the ST&D systems operate at optimum levels of technical, commercial and financial efficiency.

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Electrical Engineering: issue in sub-transmission and distribution
Reference No:- TGS0203335

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