Issue how well do you think standardized tests measure your

Question: 1. Issue: how well do you think standardized tests measure your abilities?

Write an Argument Papers of 2 pages excluding the cover page. In writing your paper you will concisely and explicitly express

(a) the issue being addressed,

(b) the position you are taking on the issue as you have expressed it, and

(c) three primary premises in support of that position.

Once you have written this "skeletal form" of the argument, you will then

(d) write a paragraph length discussion/explanation of your premises and how they support your position/conclusion. The numbered premises of the skeletal argument will serve as the topic sentences for each individual paragraph of support. Use only simple declarative sentences to express the skeletal argument.

These argument paper must be developed based on your own ideas and thinking, and should not be considered research papers. In that light, argument papers which report information from the internet or other outside sources will not be accepted.

Write your argument paper in Word, copy and paste it from Word into an email, and submit. You can also submit your papers as email attachments, in the GA View drop-box, or by giving me a hard copy.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- ArgumentPaperInstructions.rar

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Dissertation: Issue how well do you think standardized tests measure your
Reference No:- TGS02833225

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