Measurement & Samples:
Project description:
Cite from the following book & please include page numbers: 1) Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias and David Nachmias, Worth Publishers, Latest Edition
Please answer both sets of questions, thanks
1. Define measurement, and, in so doing, explicate the meaning and significance of numerals, assignments, and rules.
2. Explain the significance of isomorphism in understanding measurement.
3. What is an indicator? Give examples. How are indicators selected?
4. What is measurement error?
5. Define and explain the four levels of measurement.
6. Define validity and discuss the three basic kinds of validity that can be distinguished.
7. What are the similarities and differences between face validity and sampling validity?
8. Define empirical validity and explain the technique of predictive validity.
9. Define and discuss reliability.
10. Explain the concept of generalizability.