Isoenzymes of ldh as diagnostic tools


Q1. Serine exists in its zwitterion form at a pH of 5.7. Draw the structural formula for the same. Explain the manner in which the structural formula of polar and non-polar amino acids would vary.

Q2. Discuss, in detail, the role played by DNA and RNA in genetic diseases. What are the breakthroughs, if any, in the treatment/management of genetic diseases?

Q3. Classify six kinds of amino acids according to the functions that they serve in the human body, stating an example for each class.

Q4. Discuss the manner in which the isoenzymes of LDH can be used as diagnostic tools.

Q5. Define a genetic mutation and state the types of genetic mutations. Discuss the effects of genetic mutations.

Q6. The HIV virus that causes AIDS destroys the immune system in the body. Classify the HIV virus and explain the statement.

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Chemistry: Isoenzymes of ldh as diagnostic tools
Reference No:- TGS01918340

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