Question 1: What are the different classes of IP addressing? Compute the maximum number of class A, B and C network Ids.
Question 2: Why is a data link layer switch favored over a hub?
Question 3: Which device is required to join two LANs with different network Ids?
Question 4: When is a translating bridge employed?
Question 5: Can a switch be utilized to join two LANs with unlike network IDs?
Question 6: Write two manners in which computer applications vary from network applications?
Question 7: State count to infinity problem?
Question 8: Illustrate the reason for choosing a speed of 155.52 Mbps in the original ATM standard?
Question 9: Contrast link state and distance vector routing protocols, giving an illustration of each.
Question 10: What do you mean by ISO-OSI reference model? Compare it with TCP/IP reference model. Why TCP/IP reference model is more admired than OSI model? Which layer is used for the given:
a) To route packets
b) To convert packets to frame
c) To detect and correct errors
d) To run services like FTP, Telnet and so on.