
Isem 540 enterprise architectures integration - design an

Enterprise Architectures & Integration

PROJECT 1: Integrated Enterprise Architectures


Your team is responsible for planning, engineering and management of a Smart Hub, also known as a Smart Center). You should view the hub as a small enterprise that should be architected with integrated services. Your team should go beyond Project1 and develop an overall integrated architecture that ties together individual services within a hub and then between hubs, i.e., the focus is heavily on collaboration and coordination between services and hubs. This is a continuation of Project1.

Each team member is responsible for one ‘high impact' service in the team. Your first task is to design an Enterprise Portal that will deliver these services of your team in a cohesive manner. For example, your team may develop a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, a service center portal, a village portal, an enterprise portal, etc). Then the team members provide added value by improving collaboration (info exchange) between these services in your portal.

Design and Population of an Enterprise Portal (20 Points): Develop a design of an Enterprise Portal that will deliver the services your team is providing (e.g., a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, etc). The design can be represented by the home page of the portal. Next, explore Web Services available on the cloud to populate your portal (web site). You need to do internet searches and find appropriate REST-based Web Services that may be useful to your portal. You may select Amazon Web Services, Facebook Web Services, Web Services from IBM, or any other providers such as Freebase.com. The purpose is for you to learn practical applications of REST-based Web Services. Instead of Web Services, you may choose to populate the Center with appropriate mobile apps by searching the app Stores from Android, Apple, etc.

Deliverable: Hands On Experiments

The purpose of this deliverable is to give you some practical insights by engaging in some hands-on experiments with the SPACE Lab and then doing some self assessment.. More information is presented in APPENDIX B.

Experiments and Self Assessment by using the SPACE ePlanner (25 Points): Please use the ePlanner to do Part A and then compare the results and the lessons learned. You have already used the ePlanner in Project1, now you will need to go to a higher Stage and run more experiments. This is a good mechanism to identify future areas of research and investigation for your capstone projects.

There must be one slide deck per team uploaded to Dropbox. The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a "Team Contribution" slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribtion must be resolved by the team members through voting.


Please record your results and observations after conducting the following detailed hands-on experiments by using SPACE:
- Use SPACE to develop the detailed plans for each service that you have in mind (IMPORTANT: each team member must do it separately and record the ID used and scenario generated. You will get a zero otherwise)
- Examine the SPACE outputs shown in the BIC Circle and evaluate the reports
- Generate the Sample Portal for your service by using SPACE
- Review SPACE outputs for EA and determine if SPACE produce TOGAF compliant EA outputs. Can these outputs be modified to represent other EAFs (e.g., Zachman)
- After evaluating SPACE, you should find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.


1. Please identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of the SPACE Environment

2. IMPROVING PROJECT2 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)

3. Did you find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.

4. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved


Now you need to develop a detailed integrated architecture that ties together individual services within a center and then between centers by using SOA, B2B and other technologies (Figure 1 shows the main idea that has been explained before). You are responsible for the deliverables discussed below.

Deliverable A: Building Architectures by Hand
Deliverable B: Hands 0n Experiments
Deliverable C: Homework3

Deliverable A: Building Integrated Architectures

Your deliverable is a technical report (3 pages or 5 annotated viewgraphs) that contains the Enterprise and B2B Integration of your Center Using SOA. Specifically, develop the overall SOA-based integrated architecture within your team that shows the applications, middleware technologies and platforms (e.g., Semantic Web, XML, Web Services) to be used by Center. A short discussion of B2B/G2G integrated architecture that shows how the information can be exchanged between teams of this class that may represent different types of enterprises (e.g., public or private sectors). You can assume that each team is an independent enterprise and identify one or two information exchange scenarios between the enterprises. Now you are collaborating with other teams. Please take a look at the EAI and B2B Games on the SPACE site to learn more about the different B2B exchange protocols and select the one most suitable for your situation.

In addition, please answer one question per team member (if done as a team) from the following list:

- REST Vs SOA: A great deal of work is being done on REST-based architectures (ROA) and many people feel that ROA should be used instead of SOA for integrated architectures. Would you use ROA instead of SOA in your integrated architectures. Please propose an approach (ROA only, SOA only, or a mixture) and justify it through 5-6 bullet points.
- Legacy Applications : Some applications (at least two) are legacy applications. a) Show your chosen integration strategies (reuse, data warehousing, or migration in this enterprise-wide integration problem) -- Where and when will you use these strategies, and c) very rough estimation of cost, performance, and security of the chosen architecture (make your best effort). Suggestion: Please take a look at the Legacy Application Game on the SPACE site.
- ESB Exploration: Show and justify the SOA pattern (with an Enterprise Service Bus -- ESB). Your boss insists that an ESB is not needed and claims that an email can be used as an ESB. In your view, what exactly are the limitations of email as an ESB. Download and use Mule (an open source ESB) and compare contrast Mule with email through hands-on experiments. List at least one more ESB by surfing the Net.
- Gamification: Can you suggest some simple games in this area that can be used for training (i.e., explore Gamification for Training in Enterprise Architecture and Integration)
- Smart Enterprises: What is the real benefit of integrated architectures? Can these integrated architectures lead to Smart Enterprises. What is a smart enterprise and what are its benefits to the customers. Can Big Data be used to help with smart enterprises.
- Management, Security and Governance of Integration Projects: There are many strategic management, project management, security and governance issues involved in system integration. Please do a literature survey and develop an overall management approach for your enterprise based on one or more of these issues. Suggestion: Please take a look at the Project Planning and Governance Game on the SPACE site.
- Standards in Enterprise Integration : There are many standards in the broad area enterprise architecture and integration. involved in system integration. Please do a literature survey and recommend some standards that are of potential value to your enterprise integration.

Deliverable B: Hands-On Experiments

IMPORTANT: You need to be in Stage 3 or Stage4 of the SPACE ePlanner to conduct these experiments.

Each team member builds a Service Bundle (a collection of at least two services) that represents a Unit/Section of their center and then do the following experiments:
- Carefully examine the portal generated for the Bundle (i.e., services and collaboration)
- Use the collaboration capabilities to discover and send messages (some documents) to at least one other hub (it maybe from team or another team)
- Discover ISEMHQ (an ISEM Hub) and identify what services does ISEMHQ provide.
- Prepare and send your final report, described below, to the ISEMHQ

Prepare a final report that summarizes and highlights what you have done. Specifically, you should prepare the best integrated architecture plan for your Smart Center/Hub that answers the following questions:
- What is your ID Number and what are the Scenario names that you generated
- What are the lessons learned from Proj2 hands-on experiments and this Project Deliverable A.
- What did you learn from creation and experimentation with the Service Bundles
- Is the Bundle Collaboration feature an ESB (yes and no, and why).
- List the Improvements in Your Report (PROJECT3) as a RESULT of these experiments (just a list)
- What is the academic value of this hands-on exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved

DELIVERABLE C: Reflective Homework

Problem Category 1- Architecture and SOA Principles

1.1: Last Look at the Business Pattern

Given the enterprise business pattern (Figure 1, assume all green boxes are "applications"), answer the following questions briefly (1 to 2 sentences)

- Indicate what applications will have to change (or be integrated) if the inventory application is replaced with a new one

- Out of all the applications in this diagram, which application, if replaced, will have the least impact on the overall corporation (in terms of integration) and why

- Out of all the applications in this diagram, which aplication, if replaced, will have the most impact on the overall corporation (in terms of integration) and why

- Customer payment and shipping both have the same number of interactions (three). You have to decide which one, if down (unavailable), will have more impact. What additional information will help you make a better decision.

- Identify one more piece of management information that can be obtained from this pattern.

- Map this business pattern to a high level SOA view (you only need to show the business functional areas (the 7 yellow boxes)

Enterprise Architecture Questions

Given the ‘business pattern' in Figure 1, answer the following questions briefly (1 to 2 sentences)

a). Suppose that the whole Corp Management System (CMS) will be converted to SOA. List the application systems that will have to change (or be directly affected/impacted) due to this.

b) List three main things that you will need to do to make CMS a completely SOA-compliant system




c) Show an architecture for the CMS system as an SOA view (a simple sketch will do)

d) What will be in the UDDI after converting CMS to SOA (don't show code, just list the services that will be in the UDDI)

1.3: Web Services

Surf the Net to find answers to the following questions

a) What is Web Services and what are its three main properties (one para)

b). The WSDL in the following listing shows a service with get-inventory-level operation. Add another operation that updates the inventory (just show additional code). .

2.1) Given the architecture in Figure 2

- Which apps are "WS" enabled, i.e., have their own WSDL

- Which apps are using adapters

- What will be in the UDDI for this case (don't show code, just list the services that will be in the UDDI)

2.2: Answer the following questions

a). List the 3 key properties of a business component

b). How is Web Services (WS) related to SOA, pick one
- the same, i.e., WS = SOA
- WS supports SOA
- WS is not related to SOA

c). Suppose you need to access the data from a remote application R (the application can be internal, external or any other as shown in column one below). Given the 3 levels of integration (data level, program level, user interface level), specify what option will you use and why (one sentence)

2.3: B2B Integration

Consider Figure 3 that presents an architectural vision and answer the following questions. The dotted line shows the responsibility of the B2B Integrator (anything below the dotted line is the responsibility of the B2B integrator).

i) Suppose you wanted to exchange documents between the four agencies shown in the diagram. How many services (processes) will you have to interconnect over the B2B Integration bus (pick one of the following):

- One
- 4
- 7
- 11

ii) How many entries will be in the UDDI of the B2B Integration Bus

iii). Can the following scenarios be represented by Figure 3 (yes or no)
- Integration between government agencies (document exchanges between cities)
- Health Information Networks (HINs) between healthcare agencies
- Supply chain management between consumers and suppliers
- B2B trade between business partners

iv). List 3 common features that the B2B bus has to provide independent of the scenario

PROBLEM Category 3: Possible Thesis/Practical Project

Prepare a one page (1-2 para) proposal on a topic of your choice that may be pursued for thesis or applied project (capstone). For CPT students, you must choose a topic that is related to your CPT assignment. For CPT indicate how this course and proposed project is related to your CPT. The Proposal should show:

- Proposal Title
- Thesis or Applied Project
- When are you planning to take Grad695 (it is a prereq to Grad/ISEM699
- When are you planning to take Grad699/ISEM699
- Describe what are you going to do (1-2 Para)

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