
Iscg 6401 data communications and networks assignment

Data Communications and Networks Assignment -

Aim: A library research and industry related project is to be carried out on a topic of your choice. The project topic must be related to Data Communications and Networking. You need to discuss your choice of project for suitability. A small network with a few computers is not accepted. Example of accepted projects are: VoIP network (including problems and solutions), a medium to big size organisations' networks, Giga-bit Ethernet networks, third generation mobile phones' networks, Wireless networks, ATM networks, GPS network, etc.

Do some research before choosing your project (feasibility study) to ensure you have the necessary resources. At least one or more industry contacts are to be made and details to be reported. The more comprehensive and the better quality of your project, the better will be your grade.


The project report must be professionally prepared (not hand written) with one and a half spacing, font size 11 or 12. No part of the project report can be copied unless references is provided. It must be your own work. When using other people's work (such as companies' network diagrams, diagrams from Internet, etc.), references must be provided and there must not be any un-acknowledged 'cut and paste'. You may include some companies' product catalogues in Appendices. These product details can be printed from Internet citing the references. You do not have to type these yourself.

You should provide a two-page summary towards the middle of the term.

The project must therefore include a list of references (including web sites if appropriate). It must meet the Faculty of Business "Guidelines for writing assessment items".

It is expected that the project report size to be approximately 30-40 pages, although there is no limit on the size of the report. It would be good if you provide a brief 1-2 page summary (including network diagrams) to participants, providing a summary of your presentation.

Please provide the following with your report (also see marking schedule):

  • Title page, one page summary, table of contents, introduction (background), technical details (including network diagrams, bandwidth, product details, link details, size, etc.), theory details of the network (protocols, etc.), discussions (analysis, why?, how?, future?, comparisons, other options for the networks, future plans of the company, etc), and references.
  • Number of times group meeting were held and who attended these (in Appendix).
  • Hours spent on different aspects of the project (in Appendix).
  • How responsibilities were split among the group members (in Appendix).

Written report: (professionally written and presented, one report per group). Each person will receive different marks depending on how well they answer the questions on report.  One written report per group.  However, to be fair to those who know the report well, there will be written questions from the report for 10% of the assignment marks (usually in the same date as you present).  If your report is not technical enough, is very basic, and does not have many items to draw questions from, the Q/A might drop to 5-10% and it is likely you will get poor mark for the report.

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Computer Networking: Iscg 6401 data communications and networks assignment
Reference No:- TGS02920881

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