
Is5314 enterprise system integration is a star of tomorrow

Individual Term Paper

Enterprise system integration is a star of tomorrow in modern business especially in global business and supply chain management. Being the postgraduate student, you have to demonstrate your competence to keep abreast of such trend by exploring the nature of this topic.

You are required to conduct a small research about the subject domain knowledge and its application. This coursework requires students to understand the selected area deeply. The detail works are described as follow.

1. The Work

(a) You are assigned one of the systems integration architectures (IA) within technical integration architecture (TIA), services integration architecture (SIA), data integration architecture (DIA) and business process integration architecture (PIA), for your main focus in this assignment.

Based on this xIA, you conduct a search on any THREE academic articles (written by at least one university's faculty) to understand the current situation of this xIA.

Write a critique for each article with emphasis on new trend and technologies deployed. Each critique (at least 250 words) must be the summary of as well as your critical comments to the contents.

(b) Find, from Internet or direct vendor contact, ONE most suitable industrial integrated solution xIS for the company mentioned inside your group project. Give justifications. (around 750 words)

(c) References (and citation inside the document) with proper Harvard referencing standard must be provided, otherwise, the whole project report will be regarded as plagiarism or insufficient academic support.

(d) The report structure should be: a) Cover page containing your name and student ID#;

b) Description of assigned xIA; c) Critiques for each article of this xIA separately and then give a single summary of all these three critiques; d) Choice and justification of the most appropriate xIS for the company mentioned in the group project; e) References; f) Appendixes (if any).

2. Assessment

Of the report assessment, marks may be given with the following distribution: Search ability (30%); Critique analyses (30%); Domain knowledge & application (30%); and Report writing (10%). Note that all non-referenced copying / paraphrasing or lack of (improper) referencing or citation may lead to failure of this course result.

3. Deliverables & Deadlines

A formal report (in Microsoft Word format) should be submitted to Canvas system before 26th March, 2017 (11:59pm). Any lateness will have 10% marks deducted per each 24-hour late. No second submission is allowed.

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Dissertation: Is5314 enterprise system integration is a star of tomorrow
Reference No:- TGS02269308

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