Complete the given discussion.
Discussion Activity :
Basic Instructions:
- The section is to collectively decide the criteria that, taken as a whole at week end, define a "project."
- Further, each student will succinctly describe an example of a project in which he or she has participated and indicate how this project exhibits his or her criteria for a project. You may find that the examples in Schwalbe (2012) serve to recall real projects to you.
- You should also address what's new and/or changing in the field of project management. Could it be, in part, "agile" methods? What are they? Who now promotes their study and use?
Additional Instructions:
Here for your consideration is the definition of a project taken from the Project Management Institute's1Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)(5th Edition, 2013), page 3:
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.
So, you might discuss whether if you accept this definition, is your AMBA 640 a project?
The course certainly is a temporary endeavor with a beginning and an end. But is it creating something unique? You could (1) answer this question, and in doing so, (2) provide your own, full definition of a project -- and (3) thereafter comment constructively on others' definitions.
Here in addressing whether AMBA 640 is a project, you should considercritical-thinking questions such as:
- Is your AMBA 640 possibly a project?
- What are the sides to the issue?
- What are the arguments for and against each of the sides?
- What is (are) my conclusion(s)?
- Which arguments were the most important ones, and why?]
Also think about, and discuss, why it matters whether something is a project, or not.
I'm (5) counting on you to provide, as tasked, at least one example of a project from your own work or other life experience and also whatever you come across that is new in PM.
Required Readings: Tip: Should LEO be cranky about opening one of the following links, try 1) copying it and opening it in another tab, or 2) right-clicking on the link and opening it in another tab. If neither works, inform your TA or section professor immediately.
- A guide to the project management body of knowledge (5th Ed.) (2013). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Scan
- Korkondilas, I. (2011) Managing international teams: the importance of cultural management and communications.
- Martin, P. K., & Tate, K. (2001, May). Not everything is a project. PM Network, 15(5)
- Pinto, J. K., Patanakul, P., & Pinto, M.B. Gender biases in hiring project managers: perceptions of trust and likeability (2015). IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Journal, 62(3). DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2015.2415251
- Schwalbe, K. (2015). An introduction to project management, 5e. Chapter 1
- Malone, Susan (2015). Introduction to project management. Closed captions available in the video
- Stewart, J.J. (2015). AMBA 640. Introduction to the course. Closed captions available in the video.