Question - This question is in 3 parts and it is expected they are roughly equal in word count - with a combined word count of about 2000 words.
1) Produce a critical review of financial results for 3 companies in a sector other than that in which you work (or recently worked). With appropriate references, what metrics within the financial results show why they are performing differently from a financial perspective.
2) Take the most recent available financial results for your current company, or another company with which you are familiar. (please use Ladbrokes PLC) Produce a critical analysis of those results in the form of a statement to stockmarket explaining reasons from key metrics.
3) Is you current operation a cost or profit centre & why? (I work in a contact centre for Ladbrokes). What would be the impact if your operation was re-invented in the opposite? What would need to change? (If you cost centre, two to become a profit centre, and vice versa).