
Is this a company where there is a separation between

Is this a company where there is a separation between management and ownership? If so, how responsive is management to stockholders?

What are the other potential conflicts of interest that you see in this firm?

Has the firm issued publicly-traded debt? Do the bondholders have protective covenants again stockholder expropriation?

How does this firm interact with financial markets? How do markets get information on the firm?

How many analysts follow the firm? Does the management conduct regular analyst calls? Are these calls scripted, or is management open to analyst questions?

How does this firm view its social obligations and manage its image in society?

Does the firm have a good or bad reputation as a corporate citizen? How was this reputation earned?

If the firm has been a recent target of social criticism, how has it responded?

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Financial Management: Is this a company where there is a separation between
Reference No:- TGS02359052

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