Create a nursing SBAR neurological assessment report on an 80-year-old male with Dementia
1. Report subjective and objective assessment data
2. Explain the pathophysiology of Dementia (must use references APA 7)
3. Add factors such as gender, age, appropriate vital signs, HPI, significant medical and/or family history, and physical examination outcomes
Report MUST include:
1. Evidence-based practice recommendations (APA 7 reference required)
2. Does the SBAR provide the information using a professional style of communication?
3. Is the SBAR organized and complete?
4. Did you learn what you need to know to take over care of this patient?
5. Is there subjective and/or objective assessment data missing?
a. What more do you need to know?
b. Why is it important?
c. Tell us what is needed.
6. Is there subjective and/or objective data included that is not needed at this time?
a. Why is it not needed?
b. When would it be important to know.