
Is there information on sample sizes and how they were

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Misuse of Research

Online communities organize themselves around shared interests. This is a prominent practice in relation to a brand, product, service, occupation or lifestyle. These online communities operate through bulletin boards, email lists, Internet forums, linked web pages and social networks (Saunders, 2015). Sometimes researchers may claim a degree of certainty that is not warranted by the evidence.

Common ways in which research findings are misrepresented are explored under the following sub-headings: flawed research, using findings out of context, stretching findings, distorting findings and rejecting or ignoring findings.

In addition to social media technologies, and the crowdsourcing that they enable, the third phenomenon contributing to the apo mediation of medical research is the increasing control patients have over their own health information (O'Connor, 2013). Fedina (2014), discussed how flawed information was used to influence readers on human sex trafficking, further misrepresenting the facts (Fedina, 2015).

Some books on sex trafficking provide valuable contributions by raising awareness on the issue, providing case study examples, and discussing critical policy issues that impact human trafficking; however, most books rely on and in some cases misuse unsubstantiated research on human trafficking (Fedina, 2015).

Responsibility of the Reader

It is the responsibility of the reader to validate these sources through understanding the principles in research design and delivery will help you assess research findings. The reader needs to ask certain questions to decipher if the material has true relevance. A format of questions the reader needs to ask are (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2015):

Are the research aims properly explained?

Is the methodology clearly set out?

Is the literature review relevant and up to date?

Is there information on sample sizes and how they were selected?

Is there information on response rates?

Was there checking of accuracy of data returns?

Is their adequate information about how data was processed?

Is there a rationale given for the analysis methods and statistical tests chosen?

Are the conclusions and interpretations justified by the evidence?

Researchers for the area of study should take on a greater responsibility for enabling the translation of research findings into social policy and action (O'Connor, 2013).

How Can Researchers Promote Change?

Researchers should help shape the research agenda more closely to the needs of clients and practice as they experience them. Studies that utilize Internet-mediated observation as a method to collect data for researchers, will need to think through the issues that will arise from their approach (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2015).

In evaluating the issues and risks associated with the approach, researchers will need to explain how they seek to overcome or minimize these obstacles justify their approach in relation to any alternative course of action that might be open to you to adopt. The usage of a covert approach rather than an overt one, will reduce the likelihood of these ethical dilemmas that follow from this (Saunders, 2015).


Fedina, L. (2015). Use and misuse of research in books on sex trafficking: Implications for interdisciplinary researchers, practitioners, and advocates. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 188 - 198.

O'Connor, D. (2013). The apomediated world: Regulating research when social media has changed research. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 470 - 483.

Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill. (2015). Research methods for business students. Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited.

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