
Is there anything that unifies hinduism as distinct religion

Assignment Discussion: If you've seen one god... 

Comment in 200 words.

Hinduism is often looked at suspiciously by monotheists due to the use of images and idols and the number of deities. But this seems a bit like judging a book by its cover. Perhaps it isn't the gods that are so important? Answer one of the following prompts. Begin your answer by indicating which prompt you are responding to.

If Hindus are free to believe in one god, many gods, or no god at all, is there anything that unifies Hinduism as a distinct religious tradition? If so, what?

Numerous gods, goddesses, and heroes from Hindu literature are described in this chapter. Of all of these characters, which is most appealing to you, and why?

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Reference No:- TGS03290384

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