
Is there anything in their responses that you found most

Each answer should be 1 paragraph in length

A. What did you learn from reading your classmates' posts to Blog 1?

B. Is there anything in their responses that you found most interesting and insightful? Explain.

C. Is there anything in their responses that you had not previously considered? Explain.

Students response Blog1 below.

D. A1. My take away from the personal experiences of each Crispus Attucks, Elizabeth Keckley, Harriet Tubman, and Muhammad Ali are that they each possessed leadership qualities that made them all heros of their times. A Patriot soldier who did his "duty" and fought for what he believed in and lost his life fighting to do so. A run away slave herself who through her own continued acts of "selfless service" freed more slaves in history. A woman who once she gained her own freedom through escape could have chosen to never returned south and risk being captured and been forced back to into slavery. Another woman who used "personal courage" to write a novel describing her experiences in the White House as a friend to the prominent Lincoln family during the time of war and slavery. A woman who was befriended by the First Lady and ended up changing her mindset towards slaves and about slavery. Having such discussions of anti-slavery when slaves were not able to have such conversations without repercussions was courageous. A man of honor who refused to fight in a war that his faith did not believe in. They all stood firm in their beliefs and their cause. They never gave up on doing what they sought out to do, great leaders never do.

E. A2. Muhammad Ali did not believe in the war that America wanted him to fight in and the fact that it somewhat divided America was eye opening. It was due to a technicality that he won his case against the American government in which Americans were outraged. Nonetheless he did not let what Americans thought of him or his decision to stand up to the government and fight for his own cause, religion, and beliefs. He did not let the outcome stop him from returning to what he loved to do and gain back all that was taken from him due to the charges brought against him. His faith and determination to seek justice made him the person he was and the reason people stood behind him and adored him.

F. A3. The most compelling article to me was the article about Harriet Tubman. Her acts of courage to continuously return south to help slaves gain their freedom stands out the most to me. Never losing a passenger on the underground railroad speaks volumes of her character, the type of leader she was, the skills she gained and perfected, her courage and commitment to never give up all amazing to me for someone who had no education. I don't believe we have leaders like her in this world anymore. Today so many people in this society are only out to help themselves or are out to help others, but only for recognition. If I could meet one person in this world from that time it would be her. To thank her for her good deeds and paving the way for us today not just African Americans either everyone. She changed peoples lives.

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History: Is there anything in their responses that you found most
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