
Is there any realistic use of history as a guide

Assignment task:


Many times students miss the point regarding the nature of man and speak about the possibilities of man's future.  Some students might not recognize that much of man's future was tied to his nature. 

As for the question, there are two conclusions that are possible.  The first, based on the belief of an ordered universe, is that man is born ( programmed) with a nature that is essentially unchangeable.  When, for example, in economics we say that man is driven by "self-interest", we are espousing the idea that man has an inherent nature, a program so to speak that will dictate man's view of the world.  Individuals who, like our Founding Fathers, believe this, worry about the evil possibilities that such a nature, without any controls, would pose to mankind and his world.

On the other hand, if we believe that man and his universe are the result of mere chance, then we are talking about an animal that, when first born, is basically like a blank sheet of paper.  An individual like this would be like a blank hard drive of a computer waiting to be programmed.

1. Comment on Conclusion

2. Depending on your view of the previous question and conclusion, how would you suggest that we use history, or, for that matter, is there any realistic use of history as a guide?

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History: Is there any realistic use of history as a guide
Reference No:- TGS03287441

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