
Is there any operational definitions and are those

Topic/ Heading Discussion to include in your analysis of the article


Here state in 200 words or less the name and author (s) of the article, what the purpose of the study, and what your paper will discuss

Article Title

Does the title clearly tell you what the research is about

Authors Credentials

What are the credentials of the authors: What does it tell you about their research experience? Does the authors have a background in the subject area?

In your own words state the purpose of the study Is the purpose clear? Relevant to your practice? Was there a need for the study? Will the study improve nursing practice and / or add to the body of nursing knowledge?

Literature Review

Does the literature review appear comprehensive in nature? Is the literature review current ( consider the date the article was published- as a general rule literature should be no more than 5-7years old from the time the article was written. Are there benchmark articles ?Are the majority of the articles primary or secondary sources? Is the literature review logical in organization, is there an introduction and summary?

Theory, framework concepts and the relationship to nursing

Is there an identified theoretical basis or concepts/ model used to help develop the research? If so it clearly stated? If there is no stated theory or framework, can you identify how the data will be collected, what the population is, and the plan for conducting the study? Is there a clear link between the research question/ purpose and the theoretical / conceptual framework?

Research question or hypothesis

Is the research question clearly stated and appropriate? Does the question align with the purpose of the study? If there is a hypothesis, is the hypothesis clearly stated and reflect the purpose of the study?

Research design

Is the research design clearly stated? Does it appear appropriate for the purpose of the research? Is it logically connected to the sampling method and statistical analysis

Dependent and independent variables

Can you identify the dependent and independent variables ( if appropriate)? Is the variable operationally defined?


Is there any operational definitions and are those presented and discussed? Are the definitions consistent with the conceptual framework?


What instruments were used to collect the data? Was the reliability and validity of the instruments discussed or identified?


Was the size/ description of the sample stated? Was there a description of how the sample was identified and collected? Was the sample appropriate to represent the population of the study?


Was human rights protected? Did the study identify IRB clearance?

Data collection

How was the data collected? Was the method of data collection clearly described? Does this appear appropriate for the purpose of the study?

Data Analysis

Was the data analysis procedures clearly stated and discussed? Does it appear appropriate for the study?

Conclusions and Recommendation

Does the authors summarize the research, identify strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for future study?

Your conclusions

After you have reviewed and discussed the above steps, what is your conclusions about the appropriateness and usefulness of the article? Can you use the information in your practice? If so how?

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Dissertation: Is there any operational definitions and are those
Reference No:- TGS02832738

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