
Is there any evidence of heredity playing a role in the

Two complete this project you must select a well known murderer. Please, none of the the usuals such as Dahmer or Bundy. The murderer can be international, it dosen't have to be an American.

For your final exam, you will be incorporating all of the topics you learned throughout the course. You are to choose a real life criminal and answer the questions listed below about the individual and the crime. You are to make sure the sources you use are reputable and to be trusted. You may choose any individual you want; however, I would advise you choose a more "notorious" criminal as will need sufficient information to complete the final.

1. Please include an overview of the crime. This should be a thorough explanation of the all individuals involved and a detailed account of what happened as well as the final outcome of the case.

2. Is there any evidence of heredity playing a role in the development of the characteristics of the individual who committed the crime?

3. Discuss any contributing factors such as brain damage that may be part of the individual's history that contributed to the crime being committed.

4. Based on the brain chapter discussion on the role of dopamine and serotonin, explain how these two neurochemicals may be working in the brain of the individual who committed the crime in you book.

5. Describe any factors regarding the history of the individual including prenatal factors, abuse/neglect, substance abuse, or any other such factors that may have contributed to the development of the individual.

6. Discuss personality factors of the individual who committed the crime in your book. Include where you would score the individual (high or low) on each of the big 5 personality factors including an explanation of why you are giving the score for each.

7. Were there developmental or learning factors that contributed to the individual's crime? Explain these factors.

8. Do you think there was a key intervention point that could have changed the likelihood that the individual in your book would commit the crime? If so, when and what was this intervention point. If not, explain why.

Two pages, double spaced, APA format

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Dissertation: Is there any evidence of heredity playing a role in the
Reference No:- TGS02349965

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