
Is there an oil spill in the gulf of mexico

Discuss the following:

The public's opinion regarding containment efforts in the Gulf of Mexico, please complete this survey and return it to July 15th, 2010 .

Section One Yes No Maybe Not Sure N/A

Select one answer for each question below:

Is there an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

Did you know about the oil spill before taking this survey?

Are you familiar with the offshore drilling

Is the offshore drilling a good idea?

Are you a Democrat?

Are you a Republican?

Are you an Independent?

Did you vote for Barack Obama to become president?

Is protecting the environment a good idea?

Section Two Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Sure

Note: Please select one answer that best describes your opinion about the statements below:

BP should be held accountable for oil spill

The Whitehouse has done a good job with responding to the oil spill.

The Whitehouse's response to oil spill problem was dawdling.

I will vote for Barack Obama in the 2013 presidential election.

The BP oil spill situation will reduce the president's chance of re-elected.

Overall, I am satisfied with BP's response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Overall, I am satisfied with the Whitehouse's response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Is there an oil spill in the gulf of mexico
Reference No:- TGS01899139

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