Literature Review Assignment
Your review of the literature relevant to your research question(s) should follow these guidelines:
· At least 2 pages, single-spaced, not counting the list of references cited.
· Should include 3-4 lines of evidence
· Each line of evidence (each of which will be 1-2 paragraphs in length) must incorporate at least 3 references.
· Must include list of references cited (not all the references you read, only those cited in your literature review.
· References:
o At least 10 total
o At least 6 of those should be journal articles.
o At least 5 must be reports of original research.
o May use any reference format (APA, AMA, etc) but should be consistent
· Your text should conclude with a sentence or two short paragraph stating the knowledge gap you have found in the literature that answering your research question (s) will fill.
Topic: Improving Respiratory Health through Environmental Change.
My research questions are:
1- Is there an association between peer-led education and reduction of asthma-related illnesses in Norfolk?
2- What is the prevalence of asthma-related illnesses in Norfolk?
3- What are the perceived barriers to improve respiratory health in low income housing in Norfolk?
Lines of evidence are:
· Prevalence of asthma in Norfolk VA.
· Causes of poor indoor air quality in low income houses.
· Impact of education on reduction of asthma related illnesses.