
Is there an appeal to authority here what is the structure


Watch the folowing youtube videos-

1. Critical Thinking: Argument by Analogy Example

2. Obama Dismisses Palin on Nuclear Strategy: "Sarah Palin's No Expert on Nuclear Issues"

3. Palin Mocks Obama's Nuclear Policy.

FIRST POST: Students should focus on providing an analysis of the arguments provided by Obama and Palin. We all have political views, which are sometimes supported by strong opinions, emotions, values and beliefs. In analyzing these arguments, try to observe the Rules of Critical Living and strategies for managing weaknesses of reasoning (See Chapter 9 On Fair-Mindedness).

Analyze at least ONE argument. 1) Palin's original argument from analogy 2) Obama's response and counter-argument and 3) Palin's response to Obama's counter-argument.

1) is a very clear example of an argument from analogy. Analyze the analogy and clarify it.

2) Is there an appeal to authority here? What is the structure of the argument? Anything else?

3) What kind of argument does Palin offer in response?

SECOND POST: Evaluate at least ONE argument. Students may do this by responding to the post of another student OR evaluating their own analysis. Students are encouraged to debate the arguments presented here, respectfully and cordially. AND REMEMBER: try to observe the Rules of Critical Living and strategies to avoid weaknesses of reasoning.

1) Is the argument from analogy strong or fallacious? Why? If you think the argument is fallacious, what kind of fallacy is it?

2) Is Obama's argument strong or fallacious? Why? If you think the argument is fallacious, what kind of fallacy is it?

3) Is Palin's argument strong or fallacious? Why? If you think the argument is fallacious, what kind of fallacy is it?

NOTE: Folks should see in analyzing and evaluating these arguments that research will be required to get clear on the context (Remember the first rule of knowledge and the first rule of analysis: CONTEXT).

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Other Subject: Is there an appeal to authority here what is the structure
Reference No:- TGS02497950

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