
Is there a irb or a ethics committee

Discussion Question:

1. This part already done: Complete the NIH “Protecting Human Subjects Research” Tutorial at: https://phrp.nihtraining.com. Include a copy of the certificate of completion and add to your post as an attachment for proof of completion. Once you have completed, respond to the following:

Please do this one: Share your reaction to this tutorial. Next, research your workplace organization to find out how research is conducted that involves human participants. For example, is there a IRB or a ethics committee? If so, do they review proposals? Next, find out the composition of the members and discuss if they meet federal guidelines.

A. Here are the informations about: the https://phrp.nihtraining.com. Talking about when researchers proprosal a project to NIH to get a fund from NIH they must have these principles in place: 1. The Belmont report has three principles: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.

2. Risks a research project might pose to participants.

3. Minimize the risks posed by a research project.

4. Additional protections needed for vulnerable populations (infants, neonates, pregnant women, and prisoners).

5. Informed consent:

The “Protecting Human Subjects Research” introduced after an outcry Syphilis Study at Tuskegee. My reaction to this tutorial: it is to have these federal guide lines in place otherwise researchers may do whatever it takes to get project done and forget that subjects are human and should be treat with fair and justice. Please add some more.

My workplace organization has IRBs (internal review board) have at least 5 members from a variety of backgrounds. What are 5 members of IRBs: at least one scientist and at least one non-scientist. include both men and women, one person who is not affiliated with the institution,.

Composition of the members: one janitor, one md, one social worker, one phD, and one local prepresentative. And discuss (please add to this) meet federal guilines.

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Other Subject: Is there a irb or a ethics committee
Reference No:- TGS01438168

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