Is there a difference in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer?
a) H0: There is a significant difference in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
Ha: There is no significant difference in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
b) H0: There is no significant difference in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
Ha: There is a significant difference in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
c) H0: There is no significant relationship in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
Ha: There is no significant relationship in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
d) H0: There is a significant relationship in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
Ha: There is a significant relationship in the amount of time it takes to develop anemia in patients with Head and Neck, Breast, Lung, and GI-Colorectal cancer.
For the previous research question is a one or two sided test indicated?
a) One sided
b) Two sided
c) Either one or two sided
d) Unable to determine