
Is there a corruption problem in the u.s.

Problem: In the U.S. we often think that corruption is something that happens in other, less developed countries. We know, however, that corruption happens everywhere.  (The post must, backed up by facts, figures or anecdotes.)

1) Is there a corruption problem in the U.S. If so, what does it look like? not only personal opinion Support it with references to the course text, or anything find by research.

2) The U.S. is a majority individualist culture. Many of the people in this class were born in countries that are majority collectivist. Learners born and raised in the U.S. give us an example of what American Individualism means to. Those of you born outside the U.S., have unique perspectives and life experiences that are valuable to people studying international business. Please describe what collectivism means to.

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Reference No:- TGS03292103

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