
Is there a correlation between the satisfaction from a

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Litrature Review

Job satisfaction is characterized as the people's states of mind toward different aspects of their job and towards the job.

In context of the study done, work experience is characterized as an ordeal that a worker gets amid working in a vocation. Studies have shown various results of the relationship between experience and job satisfaction. This difference is due to differences in the job type.

According to (KeyoorPurani, 208), the research paper found that there is a definitive correlation between experience in the field of industry and job satisfaction.

For academic jobs, the researchers found that the importance of experience and job satisfaction be due to expectations for the pay increase, and opportunities for expanding academic influence and reputation. Employees find that the more years of experience means more valuable to the institution (SitiMeriam Ali1, 2012).

Job satisfaction is characterized as a "worker's condition of emotion and responses that are effective to particular parts of job. In the literature, some exact studies explored the relationship between ages and job satisfaction. The connections between the study variables (age and job satisfaction) were analyzed by directing an exact study.

Many studies have shown that there is a relationship between age and job satisfaction. Some researchers believe that older people more satisfied and convinced with their jobs than the young worker because of their realistic thinking about the work's function and their expectations (DeSantis& Durst, 1996; Durst &DeSantis, 1997; Rhodes, 1983).

According to Robinson (2002) Through study conducted in the United States," older employees are more satisfied with their bosses, they have become bosses themselves".

On the other hand, the result changed after compared with the private sector, Jung and Moon (2007) found that there is no significant impact on the employee's age and job satisfaction. The study found that private sector's young employees are more satisfied with their jobs, and perhaps because of positive expectations. But they soon back off later in their careers (Jung & Moon, 2007, pp. 142-3).

Among demographic variables that could affect job satisfaction, Gender considered one factor that affects the employee's satisfaction.

According to a study that done on the Metropolitan Government in Seoul, the results showed that women have more job satisfaction than men because of many reasons such as women have lower expectation than men from work(Kim, 10).

Is there a positive relationship between years of experience/ age/gender and an employee's job satisfaction?

Is there a correlation between the satisfaction from a specific job and an employee's years of experience/ age/gender?

Does specific demographic factor contribute to an employee's satisfaction he/she gets from working for a specific company?

Is there a correlation between receiving general customer service training and an employee's specific demographic factors?

Is there a positive relationship between an employee's age, gender and years of experience and receiving ongoing customer service training?

How well do years of experience, gender and age contribute to in-service employees' training to deal with customer complaints?

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