
Is the way you predicted your future same as fortune-teller

Assignment task:

This activity will help us understand Divination as an important aspect of Yoruba religion as well as of many other indigenous traditions.  Although divination takes different forms in different cultures, in most cases it is far removed from what we usually refer to as fortune-telling.

According to the e-text, Yoruba Divination is described as follows: "The procedure involves an intricate system of hundreds of wisdom stories, which the diviner knows by memory. The diviner determines which of the stories are relevant for an individual, and from those stories interprets the individual's future" (p. 36).

Take some time to think about stories you have heard or read recently or from your early childhood. Consider all kinds of stories-such as fiction, nonfiction, news, and family memories. Pick two accounts that you consider particularly relevant to you as an individual, and from which you might interpret something about your future. Your interpretation should include events you think might occur, the type of person you would like to become, the kind of life you would like to lead, and so on.

In writing, briefly summarize the stories you have chosen. Then make a paragraph about each story, explaining why you believe it is relevant to you. Finally, make another paragraph about each story, describing how it relates to your future.

Some questions to consider as you are writing your reflection essay:

  • Is the way you predicted your future the same as the way you might expect a typical fortune-teller to do so?
  • In what respects are the two methods of prediction the same or different?
  • What type of prediction would you be more likely to trust: that of a typical fortune-teller or that of a person who interprets life stories?

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