
Is the us on its way to even better and more advanced law

Several states and the U.S. federal government have undertaken various initiatives to use GIS and mapping technology as part of a state effort to protect children and other vulnerable populations from persons with histories of sexual crimes and offenses. This mapping is targeted to monitor previously convicted sex offenders released from prison. This data would be useful in investigating new cases of sex offenses in that sex offenders have a high rate of recidivism. Additionally, mapping of sex offenders can provide a specific deterrent effect for the individual offender, who would now be more fearful of being identified. The U.S. Department of Justice has set up a Web site, and members of the public can search the Web site to determine whether a sex offender resides in their home community. GIS systems are used in private companies as well as by law enforcement. What can people earns from GIS technology and why is it applicable for policing?

GIS is a computer system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data.

Theres a video about the City of Philadelphia and their application of ArcGIS programs.
ArcGIS in Philadelphia

•Is the U.S. on its way to even better and more advanced law enforcement systems? What do people envision as the next generation of GIS technology that can be utilized for law enforcement? Why?

•Why is there a reluctance of the private sector and utilities to share GIS data with police and law enforcement agencies?

•Should the federal government support GIS data initiatives of local police and law enforcement agencies? Why? How would this benefit or deter law enforcement efforts?

•Has GIS and mapping software increased the level of accountability in police and law enforcement agencies? How? How sophisticated has crime mapping become in the U.S.?

Has the increase in GIS technology and the sophistication of forensic investigations increased the need for a new generation of police and law enforcement officers with advanced education? What implications does this have for the recruitment and training of police officers?

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Other Subject: Is the us on its way to even better and more advanced law
Reference No:- TGS01251945

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