Is the topic sentence of the paragraph correct

Problem: Is the topic sentence of the paragraph correct?

In addition to effects on the mood, stress can also affect a person's behavior. Without proper coping mechanisms for dealing with stress, a person may resort to drug or alcohol abuse. Many adults use alcohol as an outlet for stress. It is common to hear people say after a long stressful day they need a drink. Emotional eating is also behavior caused by stress. Some people tend to eat their feelings when upset. While overeating is most common undereating is also common in people that are under stress. These eating habits usual cause unhealthy weight loss and gain.  When a person is under stress, some environments can be overwhelming, so they tend to withdraw socially. They don't want to interact with others and lose the opportunity to vent which relieves stress. Stress can also lead to agitation.  Most people that carry a lot of stress tend to be on edge and easily aggravated.  They don't handle situations appropriately and tend to over react unnecessarily.

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English: Is the topic sentence of the paragraph correct
Reference No:- TGS03385302

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