
Is the study important in the real world was it in

Question: PART ONE: In 250-words, apply concepts you learned in this course (especially in chapter 14) to make an argument why one of the two articles you are working with is the most important. Show that you understand and can apply the details of this course. This is only one page, but it should be a smart page. Write two pages, and then cut it down to an elegant, distilled, one-page argument.

Details: Your discussion should be nuanced and apply course concepts, especially from chapter 14. Your assessment will show that you are not just applying "common sense" or intuition to your evaluation-you should be applying course concepts. You should consider these questions:

1. Is the study replicable? (Did it actually replicate-if not, could you replicate it?) What is the evidence for its replicability?

2. Is the study in generalization mode or theory-testing mode? How do you know? How does this affect the types of validities you prioritize and the types of questions that you ask?

3. Does the study test a theory? (If so, does it provide good support for the theory?)

4. Is the study important in the real world? (Was it in generalization mode? Could it be? To what extent does real-world applicability matter?)

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

ARTICLES: 1) Lansford, J.E. (2009). Parental Divorce and Children's Adjustment. Perspectives of Psychological science journal, 4(2), pp. 140-152.

2) Whitton, S.W., Stanley, S.M., Markman, H.J., & Johnson, C.A. (2013). Attitudes toward Divorce, Commitment, and Divorce Proneness in First Marriages and Remarriages. Journal of marriage and the family, 75(2), pp.276-287.


1. When interrogating experiments, which validity should be focused on?

2. Describe the limitations of a one-group, pretest/posttest design.

3. Define observer bias. How does it impact a study?

4. What are some consequences associated with not having enough between-group difference?

5. What is an acceptable alternative to a double-blind study?

6. Provide 2 main reasons to conduct a factorial study.

7. Describe the relationship between main effects and independent variables.

8. Why is it important to study interactions?

9. Familiarize yourself with reading and interpreting factorial designs (Chapter 12).

10. Become familiar with reading simple graphs (Chapter 12).

11. Compare and contrast main and overall effects.

12. What strategies are important to determine if a study is replicable?

13. What considerations should be made when generalizing the results of a sample to a population?

14. Define cultural psychology.

15. List advantages of conducting studies in real world settings.

16. Which validity does replicability help to interrogate?

17. Who is responsible to determine generalizable populations of a study?

18. What is the researcher's focus in a theory-testing mode versus a generalization mode?

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Dissertation: Is the study important in the real world was it in
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