
Is the shape of your graph in agreement with newtons second

Experiment 1: Newton's Second Law


Fixed Total Mass

  • Calculate the mean time for each trial, and then use those values to calculate the acceleration for each trial.
  • Make a graph of your measured acceleration versus the force (msg)
  • Is the shape of your graph in agreement with Newton's second law? Why or why not?
  • What should the slope of your graph be? Hint: look at equation 1.1. Calculate the percent error between the accepted value and the your slope

Fixed Acceleration

  • Calculate the mean time for each trial, and then use those values to calculate the acceleration for each trial
  • Make a graph of your measured acceleration versus the inverse of the total mass (1/mg+ms)
  • Is the shape of your graph in agreement with Newton's second law? Why or why not?
  • What should the theoretical slope of your line be? Calculate the percent error for your slope value.

Measuring Velocity

  • Calculate the acceleration for each trial; now compare your results with the acceleration you obtained for each from the fixed total mass part.
  • Between the methods for finding acceleration for the fixed total mass, which one is more accurate? Why?

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Physics: Is the shape of your graph in agreement with newtons second
Reference No:- TGS01076593

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