
Is the psalmist speaking of himself of christ or both would

Some evangelical scholars have raised questions concerning the historicity of Job as "a real person." Assess how this issue bears on the inspiration and authority of Job's message as God's Word.

A difficult interpretive question for the book of Job is the relationship of the narrative to factual history. Does this book record the literal account of the calamity that overwhelmed Job at a specific time and place, along with transcripts of the actual words spoken by Job and his friends as they endeavored to come to terms with this tragedy? Or rather, does the book communicate theological truth through the means of imaginative literature?

In Psalm 22: Is the psalmist speaking of himself, of Christ, or both? Would you classify this passage as a "prophecy" of the death of Jesus? Why or why not? What are the key issues associated with this interpretive issue?

Can we pray Psalm 109 as a godly prayer today? If yes, how do we pray this as a godly prayer, and what concerns need to be addressed? If not, then why not specifically, and how do we look at this prayer, since it is part of Christian Scripture?

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Dissertation: Is the psalmist speaking of himself of christ or both would
Reference No:- TGS01254576

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