Assignment Task: The mayor of a large city is running for reelection. He has read a report recommending that he remove rent controls from city apartments after his reelection. Ile intends to do so but believes he will lose the election it his intention I known
When he is asked at a news conference five days before the election about the existence of such a report, he denies knowledge of it and reaffirms his strong support of rent control. In the mayor's view, his reelection is very much in the public interest, and the lie concerns questions that he believes the voters are unable to evaluate properly, especially with such short notice. Is the mayor's lying morally permissible?
(Hint: If a scenario appears complicated, remember to follow these steps: (1) List the relevant facts (separating the irrelevant details from the central issues]. (2) Identify the precise moral question to be answered. (3) List and think about the moral principles that might be used to support the positions that could be taken. (4) Make and explain your decision [i.e., your morally permissible course of conduct]. (5) Justify your conclusions using positive reasons and ethical principles in support of your decision, anticipating and addressing contrary Mews.)