
Is the law settled as to who has the final say with respect


Answer the following questions in essay format, supporting your answers with references to the course materials and the literature. Be sure to cite all sources you use in your answers, and include a reference list at the end.

1. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribed drug therapy and discharged. Two weeks later, the patient returns having exhibited delusional behaviour, and admits to having decided not to take the prescribed medication.

Under what circumstances, if any, can the medication be given without the patient's consent? If the patient is deemed not to be competent, to what extent, if any, is the patient's previous decision not to take the medication relevant?

2. In your jurisdiction, when a review of patient care is undertaken for quality assurance (QA) purposes, is the QA information protected by information access and privacy legislation or by common law?

In your answer, identify relevant sources of law, and discuss the strength and importance of the protection. Is it necessary to protect quality assurance information to ensure the full involvement of health professionals in the process of quality improvement? Explain why or why not.

3. In Canada, is the law settled as to who has the final say with respect to the treatment of incapacitated patients when the family and health care team disagree?

Provide an example of a case where this issue was addressed by the courts in Canada. Whether or not the law is settled, in your opinion, who should have the final say: the family, the health care team, or the courts? Why, and should there be exceptions?

4. If a patient has a tumour surgically removed, can the excised tumour tissue be banked for future use and then used? Is the patient's consent necessary? Identify the legal issues associated with the use of this type of material and the relevant sources of law.

Make sure all the expectations below are met

Here are the expectations

Assignment should be the APA format

· Assignment should be at least 11 pages (2750 words) and double spaced exclusive of title page and the list of references.

· Each question should be written as a mini essay and this involves at least three pages

· Address each sub question should be answered

· Please provide intext citation in every paragraph.

· Answers should be concise, complete and comprehensive.

· Proper sentence structure, grammar and punctuation

· Ensure academic integrity and plagiarism

· Any works from other sources must be cited

· There should be an end reference list also intext citations for each question wherever needed.

· Correct URL for the online materials.

· Intext legal citations for the first question is so important

 While doing the assignments, please ensure the following factors, these are the grading criteria that instructor follows


· Does the answer demonstrate knowledge of the topic?

· Is the analysis appropriate in method, scope, and depth?

· Are ideas or concepts logically connected?

· Is the answer relevant to the question posed?

· Does the answer the engage the course material.?


· In the answer in a style appropriate for good academic communication?

· Is the flow of ideas logical and easy to follow?

· Is English usage and spelling correct?

· Are quotations properly referenced?

· Do references and bibliographies adhere to APA (and to McGill style for legal citations)

· Does the answer meet the page limit or word?

· Does the answer adhere to the standards for academic integrity?

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Dissertation: Is the law settled as to who has the final say with respect
Reference No:- TGS02466766

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