
Is the investment made in added security measures worth the

Part 1

Although homeland security strategy (HLS) was subsumed into the 2010 national security strategy, the following original 2002 objectives remain essentially unchanged:

Prevent terrorist attacks within the United States

Reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism

Minimize the damage, and recover from attacks that do occur

In 100-200 words, answer each of the following questions:

Of these 3 objectives, which do you think is most important, and why?

Of these 3 objectives, which do you think is most difficult to achieve, and why?

Of these 3 objectives, which one falls mostly within the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?

Part 2

How well do you think Science and Technology (S&T) is performing? After 10 years, the most visible symbol of S&T development efforts is the airport passenger electronic scanner.

In 100-200 words, answer each of the following questions:

Has the electronic scanner improved airport security? Why or why not?

Will the electronic scanner prevent another hijacking? Why or why not?

Is the investment made in added security measures worth the impact on passengers?

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Other Subject: Is the investment made in added security measures worth the
Reference No:- TGS01136603

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