
Is the information geared to the audience does it include

Communication Assignment

You are an intern at BusComm Consulting. Your mentor and boss has been exceptionally pleased with your work and asked you to continue next semester. That is not possible, though, because you will be on Study Abroad in London. Here are the instructions you receive for this project.

As you know, because BusComm is so pleased with the work you have done for them, we asked you to be part of the selection process for the intern who will replace you when you leave for the UK. The preferred qualifications for the internship remain:

- Entering Junior Year
- Declared as an HR major
- Experience in a service business
- Experience working in teams

From all of the candidates whose files you reviewed, we have now narrowed it down to two finalists for the job. One met all of the requirements and interviewed strongly. The other finalist, J.J. Nasser, doesn't meet the preferred requirements but interviewed well in the first round. Unfortunately, the follow up interview did not go well. As a reminder, J.J. is entering sophomore year and is strongly considering an HR major but remains undeclared at the moment. J.J. offers some experience in service businesses during high school, which also involved working in teams. In addition, J.J. was a student athlete in high school, playing varsity basketball for three years.

Because you are contemporaries and we allowed you to review the notes from the final interview, I am asking you to write the letter informing J.J. that the internship has been offered to a student entering junior year and already a declared HR major.

Here is J.J.'s contact information:

J.J. Nasser
95 Dawson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-555-1763 [email protected]

This assignment only need you to write 8 sentences. There are four parts, and each part includes 2 sentences.

These are four parts:


- Justification
- Bad News
- Positive, Goodwill Close - possibly including alternatives(offer a good idea)

here is the success for check list:


Does the assignment present the bad news while working to maintain goodwill?
Does it open with a neutral buffer and no mention of the bad news?
Does it clearly explain why the decision has been made?


Is the information geared to the audience?
Does it include potential alternatives for the audience? Does it work to overcome objections to the bad news? Does the close generate goodwill?


Does it use the appropriate tone and consider the relationship between writer and reader? (Respectful and professional)


Is the assignment well executed in terms of presenting the information?
Is it the correct format and are all letter elements correct? (Recipient address, writer address, date, salutation, complimentary close, full contact information)
Is it attractively designed?
Does the writing flow and have transitions to link thoughts from section to section and point to point?

Proofing -- 5 per error (maximum deduction of 30)

Is the letter proofed and error free?

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Dissertation: Is the information geared to the audience does it include
Reference No:- TGS01371183

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