Need a business plan for Bright Stars App Waiting Management System
Bright Stars: A website/app that will help consumers know the wait times of different healthcare entities ( hospitals, nursing homes, urgent cares, etc,)
Include Everything that is needed for a business plan,
10 page executive summary ( which is business plan and should include everything in the business plan), why is it needed, current research, how will all the healthcare entities profit, how is it great for consumers, hospitals and other healthcare entities.
Concept: Is the value proposition clear and concise?
Is the idea original, innovative, and compelling? Does it make sense?
Is there a "pain point" or problem statement?
Competitive Analysis: Is the competitive landscape addressed in a thoughtful way?
Is an initial competitive advantage, or point of differentiation, identified?
Market Opportunity Is the market size and attractiveness defined?
Is there opportunity for growth, scalability?
Has a new trend been identified?
Is an industry being disrupted?
Feasibility / Initial Traction
Are there signs of customer validation?
Has the team made progress towards any milestones?
Is the "pain point" and solution identified?
Customer Discovery
Has a target market / test market been identified?
Is the path to customer acquisition clear?
Is revenue and monetization addressed?
Are the key people and capabilities in place to execute the plan?
Does the team show promise?
Have any mentors or advisors been identified?