
Is the european union really effective

Assignment :

Determine which theme or topic you would like to research for your final research paper.

These topics below are offered only as suggestions. You may wish to adapt or modify a topic from the list, or select your own topic.

All topics must be approved by the instructor before the research paper can be completed.

Topics Available:

The positive or negative impacts of globalization upon a particular region or country.

The North American Free Trade Agreement-Pro's and Con's.

The importance of the Euro to the European economy.

Is the European Union really effective?

What must Russia do to save its economy?

The impact of globalization upon traditional societies.

The relationship of Hong Kong to the rest of China.

Free enterprise in China: What's going on?

The future of the "Four Tigers"

Japan's future as the number one economic power in Asia.

The two Koreas-Will it always be so?

What is Chinese Communism really like?

What must be done economically/politically in South America or in Africa?

China's authoritarian regime and the free market paradox.

Does India have a chance for modernization?

The economic impact of the Indian caste system.

Will the gap between the rich and poor nations widen?

What is the global economic impact of 9/11?

The Marshall Plan and the Economic Rebuilding of Post-World War II Europe.

The Post-World War II Economies of Germany, the United Kingdom, and France and their Impact on the World's Economy

Current Political and Economic Policies of the United States and their impact on the World.

Recent additions to the European Union and their impact on one another.

Germany Post-World War II.

How has the formation of the European Union affected the economy and monetary systems in Europe?

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Other Subject: Is the european union really effective
Reference No:- TGS01975113

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