Problem 1: List the Radiological Diagnostic Test (CT scan with and without contrast)
Problem 2: Common Diagnosis to confirm with this Diagnostic Test in Primary Care.
Problem 3: Strengths of this Diagnostic Test
Problem 4: Weaknesses of this Diagnostic Test
Problem 5: Cost of this Diagnostic Test
Problem 6: Is this Diagnostic Test a 1st, 2nd or 3rd line measure? Does it actually confirm common diagnosis and/or do you need to order anything else?
Problem 7: What are common differential diagnosis that you may consider when ordering this Diagnostic Test?
Problem 8: What is the next step as a NP if the Diagnostic Test is abnormal? If you treat the patient, what would the treatment be? If you refer the patient, who do you refer the patient to and/or urgency of this concern.
Problem 9: Education for the patient prior to ordering this test. For example, are there any contradictions and/or baseline labs? Include the rationale.