
Is the current code of practice requiring caffeine levels

Is the current code of practice requiring caffeine levels in drinks to be monitored adequate?


Student Expert Opinion

Format:informa Healthcare e.g. Expert Opinion(Pharmacotherapy)

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You will also be required to write an expert opinion paper (10 pp) on whether the current code of practice requiring caffeine levels in drinks to be monitored is adequate.

To begin with this topic, it must be known what are the current regulations in Australia, regulations overseas and the different situation that established such rules

Furthermore, the amount of caffeine in soft drink, the typical dose of consumption as well as toxicity and the dose of toxicity.

In addition, caffeine metabolism problems, pharmakokinetics and potential problems such as repeated binge consumption, tolerance and the therapeutic targets such as adenosine receptors and other neuronal targets were also discussed as potential research areas.

Effectively, we spent the time outlining all the things required to answer the original question, for a direction to researh for.


Maximum of 2500 words (~10 double spaced A4 pages of Times New Roman 12 pt or Arial 11 pt font, not including figures/ tables/references). Pages must also be numbered.

Needs to be clearly labelled with coversheet, name, SID, and supervisor

Must include a satisfactory timesheet (accurate, legible etc)

Appropriate writing style, strong first and last paragraphs, use of headings

Referencing: British Journal of Pharmacology style

Literature projects: include a “search strategy” paragraph – sufficient for someone else to follow e.g. the search criteria used in a Medline search

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Other Subject: Is the current code of practice requiring caffeine levels
Reference No:- TGS01436145

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