
Is the country underachieving or overachieving

How is economic growth and development measured? How does this country compare to other developing countries? You can use other countries from the same region, if you desire.

Is the country underachieving or overachieving in terms of its development goals?

How have economists used growth theory to explain this countrys economic growth and development?

How does this country compare to other countries with regard to income distribution and poverty measures?

How is poverty measured? How is income distribution measured?

Has there been a trend toward greater equality or inequality?

Is poverty increasing or decreasing? Is there a relationship between economic growth and income distribution in this country, and, if so, what is the nature of this relationship?

Describe the relationship between political reform and economic growth and development in the country. How has warfare affected economic growth?

Textbook: Todaro, M.P. and S.C. Smith (2014), Economic Development, 12th Edition, Addison Wesley, Boston

Online: https://www.slideshare.net/soskmn/economic-d????opment-todaro-smith-11th-edition

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