
Is the content discussed in relation to its value to

This assignment addresses program outcomes & course competencies:

1. An effective communicator who collaborates with interprofessional team members, patients, and their support systems for improved health outcomes.

2. A competent care provider who is prepared to practice to the full capacity of the professional nurse role in diverse health care environments.

3. An accountable leader and manager who applies principles of systems and organizational processes and who balances resources to promote quality care and patient safety.

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the concept of Interprofessional Education (IPE) and how it will impact educational and professional practice in the future of healthcare delivery.

This assignment is also designed for you to learn more about using library research databases.


Using your campus library resources find two articles from refereed nursing journals that discuss the concept and application of Interprofessional Education and the purpose behind the concept.

These articles are not to be older than 5 years.


Write a one page synopsis of EACH article covering the following categories:

1. Brief overview of article.
2. Content discussion.
3. Application to practice.
4. Benefits and barriers of IPE.
5. Personal opinion of the IPE concepts and value to the profession.
6. Brief conclusion.


Post your two page paper in the appropriate titled discussion forum, as a Word Document attachment

Response Posting

Select one of your classmate's papers to respond to. Write a one page response to their posting.

It is to be well thought-out critique of their article discussion. Use one reference in your response.

Your critique should include:

1. Is the overview brief and informative?
2. Is the content discussed in relation to its value to nursing practice, education or research?
3. Does the discussion of how it could be applied in the nursing practice setting address important, timely issues?
4. Is the personal opinion of the concept and the value it brings to nursing practice well described?
5. Does the summary briefly describe the article accurately?

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Dissertation: Is the content discussed in relation to its value to
Reference No:- TGS01509962

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