
Is the ceo being successful at hisher job is there synergy

Each student will research, write a profile of a leader of an innovative organization of their choosing. Building on the readings, the following issues should be included:

• Is the CEO being successful at his/her job? Is there synergy or dissonance between the business strategy and corporate design structure?

• Is the company perceived as being "nimble" and what supports your answer?

• Is the CEO viewed as a visionary, custodian, change agent, or something else?

• Who would that CEO say is his/her primary customer base? Would that customer base feel the?corporate structure supports its needs?

• How has the CEO fostered an innovative environment within the organization?

• How is that corporate structure set up to support the customer?

• Can you connect share price value (if a for-profit company) with CEO compensation?

• If non-profit or not-for-profit, what metric is used to measure CEO performance (if known)?

• How is the CEO compensated, and do you think that compensation is justified; why? ?Length: 6-7 pages,

Paper Format !!!

Papers are to be in proper format, proofread, and typed or word-processed.

Papers should be stapled, double spaced with approximately a one-inch margin on all sides, in a 12 point font, with numbered pages and a cover page identifying the writer and the content.

Grammar, spelling, usage and clarity should meet the standards of professional and graduate school level writing. Please edit and proofread your work thoroughly.

The Endicott College Writing Center is available for writing and editing assistance. ?All students must use APA format for student papers, citations, and reference sections.

All sources must be cited, using APA format for the textual citations and references.

It is your responsibility to use proper citations and formatting for references and to avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism has serious academic consequences and may include any of the following:

using quotations without indicating the verbatim wording through quotation marks and proper citation including page numbers, using material from a text, reading, or website without proper attribution through citations, submitting someone else's work as your own, submitting original work for more than one course or assignment, and failure to cite sources properly in APA format.

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